Cafeteria Menus

Meal prices for Students, Guests, and Adults 2023 - 2024

Monthly Menus are sent home with elementary students, available at the front office as well as heard on KRTN daily.


  • Student Breakfast - FREE
    Adult Breakfast = $4
    Student Lunch - FREE
  • Adult Lunch = $4.25
  • Ala Carte Milk = $.60


The students will be offered items on the serving line rather than just being served.  In accordance with federal guidelines, your student is required to take a minimum of three (3) items at each meal - one item MUST be a fruit or vegetable.

All families should complete a Student Nutrition application to ensure RMS continues to receive discounts in Federal Programs.

Cafeteria-Tray with Food

Roy Municipal Schools complies with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2009